Series Overview

Chinese Poetry & ShanShui (Series): ShanShui (water, mountain) painting is a vehicle of philosophy; the serendipitous movement of the ink paints the mystery of the Dao or the “way”--the beginning of all things and the way in which all things live, move, and breathe; the natural, nameless, eternal flow in which we find our place in the universe. Uncontrived by human hand, the Dao defines our existence by an intuition that is limited by human vocabulary, thus defying the precision and predictability of both linear and cyclical being. It is by the Dao that one understands timelessness and the secrets of ancient traditions. 

ShanShui artists speak in soft, gestural whispers. They carry crickets in their pockets and wear shoes that make no sound. The taste of oolong lingers on their lips and the scent of sweet osmanthus emanates from their linen jackets. They live by ancient parables they were taught to honor as children.  


Black Moon (detail). 2015. Latex paint, gold leaf, oil paint, graphite, paper.



GuiHua/Sweet Osthmanthus (detail). 2014. Fabric, bleach, coconut oil, graphite.

GuiHua/Sweet Osthmanthus

From the series “Bleach Stains on My Grandmother’s Dress”.


Ink Series I (detail). 2015. Ink and bleach on Chinese paper.

Ink Series I

Bleach, water, and sumi ink interact with delicately drawn images of flora and fauna.